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YI Sharon Resources

Kiddush, Simcha and Functions
If you're looking to commemorate an important event, why not sponsor a kiddush or rent out our function hall? For additional information, contact the office at

High Holidays
For more information about high holiday seating or to make a submission to the Yahrtzeit book email at

Shul Calendar
The shul calendar is free to each member family. Additional copies may be purchased. To add a listing for a Yahrtzeit, Wedding Anniversary, Birthday or Special Event, download the Calendar Order Form.

Pump Pots
Pump pots is one of our active fundraisers. These hot water urns are available in brushed stainless or black and holds up to 4.7 quarts. For $75 you will receive both the pump pot and a 12 month warranty. To purchase one, contact Amy Fistel at 781-784-0085.

The former Young Israel building at 9 Dunbar St. houses the Sharon Mikvah, run by the women of Chevrat Nashim. For additional mikvah information email Website

The Eruv was constructed and maintained in close consultation with its original Rav HaMakhshir, Rav Shimon Eider, Ztz"l. Today, the Eruv is maintained under the direct supervision of Rabbi Noah Cheses. For Eruv status, call 781-695-0505. For maps and additional Eruv information, log onto

Tue, March 11 2025 11 Adar 5785