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Chesed/Tzedakah Information and Opportunities

A Guide to Bikur Cholim
As part of our outreach in chesed, we have put together a guideline for Bikur Cholim (visiting or helping the sick) approved by Rabbi Cheses.  We hope that you find this guide helpful not only in Bikur Cholim, but in any situation in which people in our community are experiencing stress or crisis.  Click here to view

Chesed Committee
Our Chesed Committee serves the Young Israel community to ensure that each and every person is cared for in their time of need. If you or someone that you know could use assistance at any time for meals or help during times of illness, new babies, Bikur Cholim, hospitality, or deaths, please contact Sharon Lerner at

If you are interested in volunteering to help with our Chesed Committee, or if you have any additional questions, please contact Sharon Lerner at


Tzedakah Opportunities in the Shul

If you would like to use your Donor Advised Fund to make your donation, please click this link.

The Book Fund - Click Here
This fund supports our shul library, found in our Beit Midrash.

The Eddie Fistel Memorial Fund - Click Here
The Eddie Fistel Memorial Fund provides a gift to each child of the Young Israel of Sharon who reaches the age of Bat and Bar Mitzvah. Ed Fistel, alav ha-Shalom, was a beloved teacher in our Kehillah. Demanding yet warm-hearted, with a highly disciplined and effective teaching method, he had the ability to help each and every child rise to their highest potential. Contributions to the Ed Fistel Memorial Fund help provide Bnei Mitzvah with a copy of Rabbi Dr. Isaiah Wohlgemuth's "Guide to Jewish Prayer." This is a precious book of deep insight into the Siddur, a book close to Ed Fistel's heart, written by his own teacher, and we are honored to present this gift to our Bnei Mitzvah in his memory.

Etz Chaim - Tree of Life
Our tree of life is branching out. All of the formerly purchased leaves were placed on the Young Israel's Etz Chaim, located in the entranceway of the shul. You can still purchase a new leaf in recognition and celebration of your simcha for $100 per leaf. To participate in the tree of life, email Marcia Shimshak at

Holly Mindick Fund - Click Here
This fund was established to provide Shabbat meals for shiva houses. The fund was set up by Sonny and Judy Mindick in memory of their daughter, Holly Mindick.

Lecture Fund - Click Here
This fund helps to sponsor our Scholars-in-Residence, as well as guest speakers.

Rabbi's General/Local Tzedakah Fund - Click Here
This fund is used to to support several charities in Israel with whom the community has had long standing relationships.

Tribute Cards - Click Here                                                                                                                  Email Suellen Beiser,, or click above. Include in the email or the dedication line online: purpose, message to recipient, and is it directed to a specific fund? Have a card sent for you: minimum donation is $18. Or, buy a pack of 6 for your home for $54.

Yahrtzeit Memorial Plaques
You can memorialize a loved relative or friend who has departed by purchasing Yahrtzeit Memorial Plaque. The plaque is hung on the yahrtzeit board in the YI sanctuary. Light bulbs are lit on the occasion of the yizkor services and the name of the departed individual is read aloud by the Rabbi at the time of the yizkor prayer. In addition, a reminder card is sent out to the purchaser with the date of the yahrtzeit. For more information or to order a plaque, please email Dan Shimshak at

The YIOS Financial Distress Fund - Click Here
This fund is to help those who were hurt economically by the COVID 19 pandemic.

The YIOS Operating Fund (General Donation) - Click Here
This fund literally keeps the lights on. Donations given directly to Young Israel of Sharon allow the shul to fulfill its mission of providing a comprehensive, inclusive, warm, and welcoming Orthodox Jewish environment for families in and around Sharon.

Outside Organizations Supported by YI Members

Schneider Children's Medical Center
An American not-for-profit organization that provides financial and technical support for the delivery and improvement of health care in Israel. Schneider Children's Medical Center helps when Israel is in crisis, including the work of the stress, trauma, and anxiety disorder center.

Here is the most recent update report on the Anxiety Trauma and Stress in Israeli Youth Project. For years the membership of the Young Israel of Sharon has supported this project. As of today, we have donated nearly $38,500 towards these efforts. We have personally funded several of the child psychologists who are listed as part of the project staff. This report illustrates how much of a difference this work is making for the children of Israel. This past year has been a difficult one for Israel and her children. The Medical Center is still in need of our continued support. If you are interested in making a contribution towards this program, write out checks directly to “Schneider Children's Medical Center” and drop the check off to Dan Shimshak or to Iris in the shul office. (The organization is 501(c)3 and tax-deductible. A donation letter will be sent from Schneider's.) For additional information: e-mail Dan Shimshak at

Yad Chessed

A Tzedakah organization of the Greater Boston Area, including Sharon. Yad Chessed, which means “hand of loving kindness,” was founded in 1989— by Robert Housman, an impassioned and dedicated volunteer—to help Jewish individuals and families in need. Our small, yet highly-effective staff includes four social workers and is located in Waltham, MA. We primarily support clients in Massachusetts, with some residing in nearby states.

Yad Chessed provides emergency financial assistance to Jewish people in need while preserving the dignity of each client. The funds we distribute for food, medical expenses, shelter and other essentials, as well as our guidance, help alleviate economic distress and move each client toward a more hopeful future.

Click here to make a tax deductible contribution

Tue, March 11 2025 11 Adar 5785