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Tefilat Nashim - Women's Tefilah Group


The Young Israel of Sharon Tefilat Nashim evolved from the Mother-Daughter Shabbat morning group in the 1980's by those who wished to expand their participation in communal Orthodox tefilah.  Rabbi Meir Sendor (YI Rabbi Emeritus), with the guidance of major Rabbinic authorities, reviewed the legal, political and sociological issues, regarding women’s tefilah groups, and helped to establish Tefilat Nashim. The goal was to create a comfortable and inviting space where women could explore their Jewish spirituality and religious practice according to Orthodox halacha.

Today, under the guidance of Rabbi Noah Cheses, Tefilat Nashim continues to be a place where women and girls can pray, celebrate and learn together.

We encourage lots of singing and are always open to learning new tunes.



  • Provide a warm and comfortable space where a woman's voice can be heard and matters

  • Complement and enhance women’s halachic observance

  • Learn and practice Tefilah and Torah skills

  • To model davening and shul skills for children

  • To be a natural extension of leadership experienced in everyday life

  • Allow for greater opportunities for Bat Mitzvah engagement

  • Woman’s Aufruf


Based on guidelines set by Rabbi Cheses and his rabbinic advisors, Tefilat Nashim does not function as a halakhic minyan (a quorum of 10 adult men). Our service is for women and girls only.  Tefilot are led by women and girls above the age of Bat Mitzvah. Girls under the age of Bat Mitzvah are encouraged to lead the end of musaf.  All tefilot are included, with the exception of barchu, kaddish, kedushah, ein kamocha, and yikum purkan.  Regarding a Bat Mitzvah service, male family members are invited to sit behind the mechitza, the number of attendees must be under 10 and those individuals need to have already davened.


Shabbat Morning Service Outline:

Service begins at 9:45 AM in the Beit Midrash (Please check YIS schedule for applicable Shabbatot)

  • Pesukei D’Zimra

  • Shaharit

  • Abridged Torah Service

  • Recite Torah from the scroll - 3 Aliyot minimum are recited

  • Birkat HaTorah are recited in place of standard aliyot  

  • Note that a woman being called up to the Torah for an aliyah should refrain from reciting Birkat HaTorah during P’Sukei D’Zmira

  • Chant the Haftorah (no brachot)

  • Opportunity for Women to say Birkat Gomel

  • Dvar Torah

  • Musaf (no repetition)


Shabbat Mincha

  • Full service
  • Recite Torah from the scroll - 3 Aliyot 
  • Modified blessing before and after Torah (see above)


For our Bat Mitzvah celebrations, there are many options…

  • Lead parts of the service
  • Recite parsha from Torah scroll
  • Chant Haftorah
  • “Aliyot”- brachot/blessings by family members or friends before each aliya
  • Candy thrown with festive dancing
  • Dvar Torah (in main sanctuary)


A Bat Mitzvah family must contact the shul administrator as early as possible to ensure the date is available for the desired services and preparations can be made.  If desired, the mechitza can be removed for more space and additional chairs.


Purim Service:  Reading from Megilat Esther on Purim morning with brachot - opportunity for many participants

Tisha B’Av: Chanting Eicha on Tisha B’Av night- opportunity for many participants

Sukkot: A Torah is held on women’s side of mechitza during Hoshanot

Simchat Torah: Dancing with Torah during Hakafot & Chanting the last parsha in Devarim-V’Zot HaBracha from Torah scroll, recitation as many times as are there are women to participate, opportunity for Women to say Birkat Gomel.


Join the Tefilat Nashim WhatsApp group to keep up to date! You may also contact Abby Phillips with any questions.

For more information regarding Tefilat Nashim services, please check out “Women’s Prayer Services: Theory and Practice” in the Winter 1998 issue of the Orthodox journal Tradition Magazine. by Rabbi Aryeh Frimer and Rabbi Dov Frimer.

Tue, March 11 2025 11 Adar 5785